We are a couple who have made Lebanon our home for 20 years. Referred to as the "oddball" shop in town, we embrace that description with pride, as we wanted to bring something unique and different. A bit on the unconventional side, we feel the need for a welcoming place in town where people can just come to explore our shop, find unique items, and have a few laughs.
Our shop name is derived from a Danish Rock Band named “Volbeat”, who wrote a song about a woman named “Lola Montez”, who was a Irish countess that came to America and became famous for her “spider dance”. An eccentric woman herself, she never played by the rules and was considered "shady" for her time. We love the song so much we even named our dog after her, so it just seemed natural to name the shop after her as well.
Our world today leaves many feeling lost and at times, hopeless. Some groups of people feel better when they attend church, some that worship nature and find solace in walks, and some find peace in other avenues. We offer items to support a more “New Age/Metaphysical” point of view. We have crystals, clothing, incense, and much more. We welcome all walks of life and try to have literally something for everyone. And if we don't have what you're looking for right now, we may in a few weeks. The shop has a life of its own and is constantly changing and progressing.

Click here for our Cincy Magazine article:
What do we stand for? What's important to us?
As 2024 comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to share with you our donations for just this year:
$550 to Honor Flight ~ Dayton (which sends one veteran to DC!!)
$375 to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
$375 to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
$375 to The Simon Kingston Foundation
$375 to the John Ensman Memorial Foundation
$500 to Lebanon Pride.
Product Showcase
shady staple items

shady metaphysical items

shady clothing

the shady sense of humor

vendor friends of the dame

random shadiness

Upcoming Events
- Sun, Feb 09Lebanon
- Sun, Sep 08Lebanon
- Sun, Jul 14Lebanon
Contact Us
12 S Broadway St
Lebanon, OH 45036
Opening Hours
Tue - Sat
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
12:00 pm - 4:00pm